Feature Activation Lock iOS 7, Apple began introducing Find My iPhone app since mid-2010 to make it easier for users to track his iPhone, if lost or stolen.
Unfortunately, although it has been equipped with a locking feature and deletion of data from remote (remote erase) but the Find My iPhone has one major drawback; users can easily perform a restore again and can reuse the iPhone someone who lost / stolen like new. Yup, Find My iPhone will be easily bypassed by simply restore normal.
But, that was then, before Apple integrate with iCloud and before the release of iOS 7. Now since Apple released iOS 7 has tightened security on iDevice and cover pre-existing limitations on Find My iPhone.
This new security feature called Activation Lock.
What it Activation Lock?
Activation Lock is featured on the iDevice (with iOS 7 + Find My iPhone) requiring each user logged in using an Apple ID hers whenever an iDevice reset or restored. If not, or for example the password is entered incorrectly, then the iDevice will not be used for good, but opened with the Apple ID the original owner. Not safe enough?This feature is very powerful for the iDevice is lost or stolen, and to my knowledge until now there is no way that can be done to bypass or bypass the login page of this Lock Activation. Oh yes, do not bother to go into DFU mode or recovery mode because this action is of no use at all. Therefore, this feature can also turn off if if you yourself are forgotten with your Apple ID.
Pros: Thieves (or people who find your iDevice without intending to return it) can not be locked using the iDevice.
Cons: iDevice locked (locked iCloud) can only be known if observed closely (see screen). Physically, there is no difference with normal iDevice. Therefore, locked iDevice often used to scam the scammers, which is sold back to the person who does not know his condition.
How to enable Activation Lock
It's easy, you have an important iDevice running iOS 7 and have a stable internet connection.To activate do not find the setting "Activation Lock" because you will not find it, you need to enable Find My iPhone feature is, do I go to Settings> iCloud and then log in with your Apple ID and enable Find My iPhone. Apple ID is also required if you want to disable this feature, so do not forget ya.
How it works Activation
iDevice updated or restored again will send the Activation Request (request activation) to the activation server Apple (Albert). The activation request is basically contains information-information about the iDevice is being updated / restore, such as IMSI number / ICCID of the SIM card in it, Serial Number, Model number and other unique information.
If all the information is sent (activation request) compliant and declared fit by Albert, then Activation Ticket (ticket activation) will be sent back, and iDevice would continue with the update / restore to normal and the iDevice will be used normally. Other than that (information submitted incorrect / not fit), iDevice will be locked or not getting from the network operator.
Since iOS 7 (Lock Activation era)
Almost the same as before, but the activation server Apple's iOS 7 / iCloud will inspect every iDevice asking whether activation ticket with Find My iPhone is locked or not. Otherwise, tickets will be shipped activation. But if it is locked, the activation server will send an HTML page that asks you to enter your Apple ID and password associated with the iDevice to continue.
This information is not stored in iCloud iDevice hardware, but Apple's activation servers. Once your iDevice restored through iTunes, either by yourself or someone else, then the activation server Apple iDevice will inspect your property whether its Lock Activation feature is enabled or not, if yes then the system will immediately display a page request an Apple ID to be able to stage next. If Apple ID is entered correctly, then the setup process will continue, but if one ... Oops, hopefully not wrong because your iDevice will be useless.
iDevice forgotten or lost somewhere
If this is the case, the first step is to login to the Find My iPhone via a browser by visiting icloud.com/find. But if if you have any other iDevice and had the Find My iPhone app in it even better, you can trace it immediately without having to rely on the computer.
There are three features that are given, namely Play Sound to sound sound of iDevice lost, Lost Mode, and Erase iPhone (or iPad).
Lost Mode
Once logged into iCloud page or via the Find My iPhone app, click All Devices and select your iDevice missing in the list to track him down.Click the Lost Mode
Follow the instructions provided:
For iDevice that has been fitted with a passcode then iDevice will be locked with a passcode that already exists.
For untreated iDevice passcode, you will be prompted to create a new passcode for this missing iDevice.
You possibly, will be asked to enter a phone number or a brief message to be displayed on the screen iDevice which would be useful if there are people who find it. Use this feature as well as possible.
Erase iPhone
This feature will erase the existing data in the iPhone or iPad. So make sure if you've tried before and the way Lost Mode really sure (or really desperate can not get it) to do this because once you click on it, then the data will be erased And iPhone. But, of course, only if your iPhone can be tracked and are online.Thanks to reading Feature Activation Lock iOS 7 article, hope help uoa all.
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